I may have unreasonable expectations, and unrealistic goals (typos inevitable, very tired, please forgive) when it comes to finding someone that I want to spend the rest of my days with. Synergy is the name of the goal. I expect my thoughts, goals, and desires, will eventually converge with my future spouse's to the point that we can say whole sentences with just a look. I want to be loved as deeply as I feel I'm capable of loving, and I want room for potential even unending growth. I want a small act of kindness to speak volumes and at the same time have no need of explanation. It would be seemingly telepathic com

I don't care if it takes a million years, but I expect that if I meet the right person it wouldn't take a whole lifetime to develop this harmonious relationship. I welcome the opportunity to let myself go and even sacrifice myself to be one with my wife.
I don't know why but I am focused on a few key qualities to a healthy relationship: an almost over emphasis on mutual devotion, almost over emphasized trust, reliance on the gospel, and an awareness/attention to all aspects of a well balanced relationship. (physical, emotional, financial, personal, interpersonal, paternal/maternal aspects, etc... just to cover all my bases)
This is probably unrealistic, I see how much my parents can sometimes disagree. But nonetheless I am simultaneously bursting and imploding to give and recieve.
Actually harmony wouldn't be the technically correct term, the real parallel idea would be wave resonance
This is the same way violins, and other instruments work, waves interplay at the right frequencies, and distances from each other to do things that they couldn't do by themselves, its a powerful concept, used to keep bridges from falling down, and create beautiful music. It also occurs in magnetism, electical fields, light waves, and I hope in marriages.