20 June 2008

Ok...Seriously the world is a twisted place... Seriously

I feel like I'm crossing a line already that I told myself I wouldn't cross, I'm starting a conversation that talks about those sensitive subjects about society that causes holy wars and turns brother against brother and father against son. Well ok maybe its not all that dramatic, but I feel like I want to put my two cents in about that article that Neal (linked) brought to my attention. And I would feel really bad to step on any toes. But I respectfully have to disagree.(http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/686259/The_Girl_Who_Will_Change_The_Internet.html#readmore)

To lead into my thoughts on this I'd like to say that I value the fact that the internet is something of a frontier in that it is a deep dark black hole of entropy. Why? Because from this abyss some really great things are born, like free forums of anything and everything that includes the deft and the daft on any topic imaginable. These dialogues connect such a critical mass of people as never could be joined otherwise. Not to mention chat rooms, blogs, music sharing, explanations by wikipedia about circlular velocity that puts my college physics book and professor to shame. And all we have to do is ignore the easily ignorable triteness. If we impose regulations on the internet to strangle that freedom then the we should be prepared to accept the risk that the internet may turn into a sterilized lifeless corpse.

Tangeant thought: People seem like they want to charge Lori Drew with murder, but they can't so they try to bend the law anyway so they can get her convicted of something, like lying to myspace or whatever as long as its something. Doesn't this strike anyone else as a perversion of modern law? On the other side of that coin I guess they did get Al Capone on tax evasion, but it was probably for the better that things turned out the way they did, rather than having him running loose.

There are a lot of ways this story could be dissected. but after some reflection, it seems to me that the real question is accountability. And accountability leads to this question: "Was Megan Meier mentally ill?" if the answer is yes, then blame should be placed on the government or Megan's caretaker. And it seems self evident to me that holding her mother responsible wouldn't be the right thing to do, and it seems a little unreasonable to ask the government to lock everybody up on suicide watch because of some suicidal tendancies. So lets ask ourselves again: "Was Megan Meier mentally ill?" if the answer is no, then she must be responsible for her own actions. Don't get me wrong, I think it's despicable that Lori Drew did what she did and she should be racked in shame in multiple capacities and on multiple levels. But we must catch ourselves in a bad habit of our society: Don't be so ready to blame and exact vengeance. Because if we continue to do that, our society will degrade far below the intangible rottenness of the dark side of the internet.

Disclaimer: if you are easily offended then you should skip this next paragraph and the following links. Seriously this is offensive.

edit: I have since read this paragraph and decided it was too much so its gone now.

But seriously I think that since Megan did commit suicide she was probably (in my nonprofessional opinion) mentally ill, but I don't think her mother accountable for what happened. And I certainly do blame Lori Drew for being a despicable person, but not a murderer.

Like I said, "the world is a twisted place."

04 June 2008

The World is a Twisted Place

My first blog, I guess I can now be classified as one of *those* people. No offense intended to those hardest of cored bloggers out there, for I am one of you now, well except for the hard core part. Anyway I digress...

"The World Is A Twisted Place," is a phrase I stole from Waynes World, but I use it with a different meaning. If you were to look in the dictionary of Me it would look like this....

"The World is a Twisted Place": Saying/Kasabihan, A byword indicating in the most general way that the world is an effing twisted place. Usually used in a social awkward or nutty situation that would be exacerbated by most any observation or comment about said situation. What to say when one is at a loss of words or when there is so much to be said about the situation that it would require a lecture hall and a time slot of at least three hours and plenty of research and analyzation to properly articualate the twistedness of the situation. The byword is usually insufficient in expressing the twistedness of life.

I thought I should get that out of the way if I ever use it in the future.
So today I passed by the TV as my sister was watching, and there was a show on that had Angelina Jolie in it before she was plastified. I must say that in this dudes opinion of beauty that less is more at least in the lips department. (makeup too I guess) But that topic is trite by now I suppose, so this is a good time to end that thought.
Metal Gear Solid 4 is coming out in eight days and I am pretty darned excited. It will be nice to get the fun experience of the game but it will also be nice to finish a franchise in my bloated gaming world and close that chapter. If a video game could ever be considered a form of art then this game would be the epitome in my book. A part of me is sad that its done, but at the same time I'm kinda glad because some good things really do need to come to an end. Like Star Trek TNG or Seinfield or a really big ass ice cream sundae.
Anyway, have a good day.